Currently, the following research areas in the field of thermal fluid dynamics are being conducted at the Chair of Modeling and Simulation (LeMoS). The projects are funded, among others, by the BMBF, the DFG, the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and EU funds.
- Air Conditioning of Vehicle Cabins / Rooms
- Numerical Comfort Determination of Humans under Different Environmental Conditions
- Flow Simulation with Heat Transfer over Structured Surfaces in Compact Systems
- Development of Functional Textile Structures by Coupling CFD Methods and Human Thermoregulation
- Mathematical Modeling of Thermally Functional Footwear
- Calculation of the Thermo-Hydraulic Efficiency and Design of Flow-Through Components with Heat Transfer
- Mechanisms of Action of Particle Fouling on Structured Heat-Transferring Surfaces
- Simulation of the dispersion of gaseous hazardous substances in an industrial environment